My name is Joe Wieland and I will be the new head coach for the team this year. I was the 7th grade coach in 1989, the 8th grade coach in 1990 and then coached high school football from 1991-2001, serving as the head coach at WFBHS from 1997-2001. I do not tell you these facts to impress you, but rather to insure you that my most important role this year is to teach your son the basics of football, because every level of the game still comes down to blocking, tackling and running the ball.
Another important part of the game is that there is only one football. That means that very few players actually get to handle the ball. However, I do not glorify the person with the ball and all players will be coached to feel that they are an important part of the team. Offensive linemen never get to touch the ball, so no other player should feel that they get the right to touch the ball. We will attempt to create 4 QBs and at least 6 RBs for the future of the program.
I would like each of your sons to respond to this email and let me know what their first and second choice on offense and defense would be. HOWEVER, just because a players wants to be a running back, that does not mean that they will ever carry the ball this year or if a player wants to be a receiver that they will ever catch a pass. Please respond ASAP to help us plan for practice. Please include the player's name because not all emails coordinate with email addresses.
Equipment pick-up is at 7 p.m. on Aug. 10 and then we will practice on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:00-8:30 for the next 3 weeks. Although this may seem to be a long time for practice, we felt that fewer days would enable families to still enjoy the month of August for any trips or fun events. We also have a scrimmage at Cedarburg on Aug. 22 from 8:00-11:00.
Practices will be on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:30-8:00 once the school year starts. Practices are mandatory and if a player misses a practice for any reason, they will not play in the first quarter of the following game. Please try to plan all appointments and commitments to the other days of the week. Please send me any important information in regards to vacation schedules or other potential conflicts for your son.
The coaching staff has already met twice this summer and we feel we are already on our way to a successful season.
Sorry if some of this information is redundant, but too much is better than a lack of communication. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
[Joe's email address:]