From Coach Wieland:
We have scheduled an extra practice on Friday, 4:00-6:00. All players are encouraged to attend. If you already have plans, NO PROBLEM. Absent players will not be penalized in any way. If you have missed any practice, this is a great way to catch up. We are thinking that this will give us some extra review time for the Saturday scrimmage. Physical contact will be minimal, Learning will be maximized.
SCRIMMAGE SATURDAY (11:00-1:00) - This is a great opportunity to watch your son play alot of football, so I would encourage all parents to attend. I would like all players to be there by 10:15, ready to go. That means if you leave WFB by 9:30, you will have plenty of time.
IF YOUR SON WANTS A RIDE, the coaches will leave from Lydell at 9:30. Please tell your son if they will be riding with us so that we have adequate transportation. If any other parents are willing to leave at 9:30 from Lydell, let me know via email. If you have never driven a car full of 6th grade boys, the entertainment value is priceless(especially for the moms )
As always, email me with any questions.