Here are the volunteer assignments for the game. The coaches, team and I thank each of you personally for contributing to the success of the program.
Concessions, 1st half:
Lora Brewster
Jill Nethen
Georgia Mavrinac
Concessions, 2nd half:
Robin Enea
Anne Casey
Heebink family
Instructions for Concessions volunteers: 1st half volunteers, please get in place right as the previous game ends, so we can have an orderly transition. 2nd half volunteers, please report to the concessions stand as soon as the 1st half of our game ends.
Chain gang:
Scott Siebert
Phil Heston
John Brewster
Instructions for Chain Gang: Mr. Brew, just look for Messrs. Siebert and Heston. They know the drill on this.
P.A. Booth:
P.A. announcer: Colleen Bassindale
Spotter/stats: Rick Rojahn
Spotter: Greg Pogorelc
Timekeeper: Dave Fergus
DJ: Wes Bassindale
Instructions for Booth crew: Please get to the booth area by the middle of the 4th quarter of the preceding game. Mr. Timekeeper (Dave Fergus), especially if you have not done this before, I think it would be especially important for you to see how someone runs the scoreboard and clock.
Any questions, please ask me soon. My competence declines as the weekend approaches.
A special thanks to Wes Bassindale, Van's older brother, who returns as our in-game music provider. Wes could be calling girls or reading Erasmus, but instead he spends his Saturday afternoon with us. Wes, I am getting some additional music together for you, and will drop it at your house Friday. (I'll likely just throw the files on a flash drive for you.)